"Prevention is so much better than healing because it saves the labor of being sick" -Thomas Adams

Regular maintenance on your heating and cooling system can and will save you money from increased repairs costs, water damage, clean up, failed system components, etc. Most importantly though, it will give you peace of mind knowing that your system is in proper working condition, and protect your most valueable asset, TIME. By having your system checked out at a time convenient for you before heating season and before cooling season, you can go into Summer and Winter knowing that you have done your due diligence and are far less likely to have a failure, resulting in unplanned time off work, unplanned expenses, and having to deal with the extreme hot or cold while your system is down. Having your heating and cooling system checked out twice a year is so important, that most manufacturers
actually require it for the parts warranty to be valid.

"Proper maintenance by a qualified technician is one of the most important steps you can take to prevent future problems."

"Dirt and neglect are the top causes of heating and cooling system inefficiency and failure. To ensure efficient system operation, it's important to perform routine maintenance."

Are you a Gateway Comfort Club Member?

At Gateway we have clients who are our actual family and we have ones that aren't blood relatives, but they feel like family anyways. We want everyone to feel like family and be treated like it also. That's why we created our four different Comfort Club options. We want everyone to be able to have their system maintained properly with the membership that best fits their needs. By being a Comfort Club member you will have a technician at your home 1-2 times per year to perform our 31+ point inspection on your system, ensuring that the system is operating at peak efficiency and free of any failing parts that will leave you broken down during the heat of Summer or cold of Winter. You will also have access to preferred scheduling, after hours/weekend emergency service, reward points to use toward future purchases, and discounted pricing.

Value over $365
Cost $150 ($12.50/mo)

Repair Discount 5%

Repair Warranty 6 months

31+ point inspection
(1 Heating OR 1 Cooling)

Test Regrigerant Pressures

Clear Drain Line and add algaecide

Clean/Replace Filter 1" non pleated

15 Reward Points each point is equal to $1 in value

Value over $630
Cost $300 ($25/mo)

Repair Discount 10%

Repair Warranty 12 months

Priority Status 48 Hours

31+ point inspection
(1 Heating AND 1 Cooling)

Wash Condenser Coil

Clean Evaporator Coil ($203 value)

Test Regrigerant Pressures

Clear Drain Line and add algaecide

Clean/Replace Filter 1" pleated or non-pleated

30 Reward Points each point is equal to $1 in value

Value over $1150
Cost $450 ($54/mo)

Repair Discount 10%

Repair Warranty 18 months

Diag. Fee Savings $30

Priority Status 36 Hours

Weekend and After Hours Emergency Service

31+ point inspection
(1 Heating AND 1 Cooling)

Chemical Clean of Condenser Coil-($278 value)

Burner Cleaning

Clean Evaporator Coil ($203 value)

Test Regrigerant Pressures

Clear Drain Line and add algaecide

Clean/Replace Filter 1" pleated or non-pleated

Apply Protective Coating to Condensing Unit

50 Reward Points each point is equal to $1 in value

Value over $1640
Cost $648 ($54/mo)

Repair Discount 15%

Repair Warranty 19 months

Diag. Fee Savings $50

Priority Status 24 Hours

Weekend and After Hours Emergency Service

31+ point inspection
(1 Heating AND 1 Cooling)

Chemical Clean of Condenser Coil-($278 value)

Burner Cleaning

Clean Evaporator Coil ($203 value)

Test Regrigerant Pressures

Clear Drain Line and add algaecide

Clean/Replace Filter 1" pleated filter

Blower Wheel Cleaning ($356 value)

Apply Protective Coating to Condensing Unit

100 Reward Points each point is equal to $1 in value

Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at Gateway Heating & Cooling.

Call us at 859-404-0495!